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From climbing to kayaking, grass tobogganing to raft building; Year 3 & 4 enjoyed their adventurous residential visit

Year 3 & 4 enjoyed their two day residential at Stubbers Adventure Centre and used all of the West Lodge Learning Powers during the visit (concentration, curiosity, resilience, co-operation, and self-improvement) during the week.

They partook in a wide range of adventurous activities that included caving, raft building, climbing, kayaking, pioneering, grass tobogganing and power boating. 

The visit to Stubbers is just one of the residential visit opportunities offered to West Lodge pupils.  The residential trips are designed to increase independence, build team-working skills, encourage adventure, solve problems and put our Learning Powers into practice in non classroom environments.

We asked the children what their favourite activities were: 

Power boating was my favourite activity because it was really fast, I got splashed and it was wavy.

Double kayaking, because it was fun. 

Pioneering because I built a good den. 

Caving, because it was creepy. 

Power boating because I got to drive.

Grass tobogganing because we went down a hill. 

Climbing, it was fun!

We asked pupils to reflect on how they used West Lodge Learning Powers during their residential:

We worked together in kayaking.

I was proud of reaching the top of the climbing wall.

I am proud of building a catapult.

I worked well with someone in raft building, because we had to lift all the wooden planks.

Facing my fear of small spaces whilst caving. 

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