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Building confidence

Having fun

Encouraging growth mindsets

Sparking curiosity

Teaching & learning for the 21st century

What makes West Lodge special?

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What makes West Lodge special?


Strong Academic Results

“The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent”. ISI Report 2022

- Students’ success at 11+ exams speaks for itself with our leavers regularly securing places at top performing state and independent schools.

- Preparation for secondary school entrance exams starts in Year 1 and the whole family is supported during the transition to secondary school.

- The large majority of leavers, including those with SEND, are successful in achieving places at competitive grammar or independent senior schools with high standards of entry.


An excellent school…

Our 2022 ISI report rated West Lodge as ‘excellent’ in all sixteen areas.

Some of the areas highlighted included:

- Pupils’ achievement is excellent; pupils, including those with SEND, make rapid progress over time.
- Pupils demonstrate advanced skills, knowledge and understanding for their age.
- Pupils’ attitudes towards learning and achievement are outstanding.
- Pupils’ competence in ICT is highly advanced.
- Pupils’ self-confidence and self-esteem are excellent.
- Pupils demonstrate outstanding moral awareness.


Preparation for 21st century careers

Younger pupils are fluent at using coding at a level highly advanced for their age...The oldest pupils' ICT work...includes highly sophisticated design work and use of 3D printing to create the often intricate models designed. ISI Report 2022.

Our Computing curriculum, taught by a specialist in our Computing Suite, prepares pupils for the challenges of a rapidly changing technological world. Coupled with an ambitious Science teaching programme (and annual STEM Week) this prepares our pupils for careers that don't yet exist.


A head start to your child’s education

“Pupils demonstrate advanced skills, knowledge and understanding for their age”.
ISI Report 2022

Our nursery and reception classes provide your child with a head start in an environment where the priority is to ensure learning is fun and exciting. Daily literacy and numeracy lessons are at the core, with additional child centric topics and discrete subjects that encompass Science, Humanities, Art and Design and Sport.

Our superb brand new and well resourced outdoor learning area supports this learning.

“The progress and attainment of children in the EYFS are excellent, with above national percentages of children attaining and exceeding a good level of development in the same years”.

“Artwork displayed across the school, such as younger pupils’ versions of Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory and work on Kandinsky, is of high quality. It features strong composition and ability to use shape, colour and texture to create particular effects” 2022 ISI Report.


A ‘Growth Mindset School’

Pupils learn how to learn, to adopt a growth mindset and understand that mistakes are an important part of learning.

Pupils are encouraged to use their learning powers of concentration, curiosity, co-operation, self improvement and resilience in everything they do. These are skills that will empower them throughout their lifelong learning journey.

"Pupils were highly engaged throughout all lessons seen, showing excellent concentration and application of effort". ISI Report 2022

"The average impact of metacognition and self-regulation strategies is an additional seven months’ progress over the course of a year". Education Endowment Foundation.


Small class sizes, personalised learning

We know this model works, which is why we have no plans to increase our intake.

Class sizes of no more than 22, and one class per year group, means our dedicated teaching team knows each child well, allowing every child’s school experience to be personalised to their specific needs and interests.

Our small size, akin to the archetypal village school (but with 21st century technology and opportunity) means West Lodge is a strong and mutually supportive community and children clearly understand how they can make a difference in the school community and the wider world.

"Pupils’ contribution to others is outstanding...pupils demonstrate an outstanding sense of responsibility towards, for example, victims of war, families affected by hunger or severe illness, and animal welfare.... the oldest pupils’ reflections on their responsibilities toward younger ones show a strong understanding of why these matter". ISI Report 2022

"West Lodge is like your family away from your family". Year 6 Pupil


Truly independent

West Lodge is a not- for-profit school which is overseen by a board of trustees who ensure that the school is run for the good of the community and that all proceeds directly benefit the school's pupils.

This contrasts with some other independent schools which are privately owned by an individual or operated by a corporation to make money or turn a profit to pay shareholders or individuals.

Put simply, the children are at the heart of our educational model, but also our operational model, providing a truly child-centric approach, experience and benefits.


Specialist teaching

"Children in the Nursery and Reception were able to identify different instruments in the music that they listened to, such as drums and ukuleles".
ISI Report, 2022

Specialist IT, French, Spanish, Public Speaking, Music, Latin, PE, Science and Food Technology teachers complement our team of experienced primary teachers who deliver the core curriculum, supported by our dedicated teaching assistants.

Having access to the specialist skills of these teachers enhances pupils’ learning, gives them a head start at secondary school, allows them to dive into a wide variety of subjects and enjoy success in these areas as the 2022 ISI Report outlines:

"The oldest pupils’ language work shows an excellent understanding of French and Spanish vocabulary".

"Pupils’ competence in ICT is highly advanced."

"Children in the Nursery and Reception were able to identify different instruments in the music that they listened to, such as drums and ukeleles. They displayed strong control of the tone and volume of their singing".


Empowering future leaders

"Pupils’ decision-making skills are advanced for their age". ISI Report 2022

Our role is to prepare children for careers that don’t yet exist; so equipping them with a wide range of technical and transferrable skills is integral to their future success.

"Most parents who responded to the questionnaire agreed that the school equips their children with the team working, collaborative and research skills they need in later life. Inspection evidence supports this view". ISI Report 2022

"Pupils achieve a very high proportion of distinctions in LAMDA examinations, with the other entrants gaining merits". ISI Report, 2022

"Pupils’ competence in ICT is highly advanced". ISI Report 2022

"They [the teachers] give pupils leadership roles that enable them to act on behalf of others". ISI Report 2022

"Pupils’ collaborative skills are very strong". ISI Report 2022


A focus on wellbeing

Pupils’ self-confidence and self-esteem are excellent.
ISI Report, 2022.

We know that happy children learn best, and pastoral care at West Lodge is second to none. Looking after the children to ensure they feel safe, secure and happy and feel that they have a voice and are listened to is at the heart of everything we do.

Each pupil’s well-being is carefully monitored and alongside assessment of academic progress, we use a tracking system to monitor each child’s personal development.

"Pupils’ self-confidence and self-esteem are excellent". ISI Report, 2022

"Pupils’ understanding of how to stay safe and keep healthy is notably strong". 2022 ISI Report 2022

When asked to choose 3 words that best describe West Lodge, a parent commented: "Nurturing, inclusive, child focused".


Educating the whole child

Pupils’ academic and other achievements are excellent...[their] achievements in these areas are supported by the wide range of clubs they attend. ISI Report, 2022.

At West Lodge we recognise the importance of providing a wide range of opportunities for pupils to explore and to support and enhance their classroom learning.

Pupils achieve a very high proportion of distinctions in LAMDA examinations, with the other entrants gaining merits. Pupils have achieved success in regional and ISA Art competitions and sporting events such as under-11 Netball, Cricket and Basketball. West Lodge Under 11 Netball Team are currently leading the Bexley High Five Netball League.

Pupils have achieved individual success in national poetry competitions and music scholarships. Individual pupils have taken part in a UK Intermediate Maths Challenge.

Pupils’ achievements in these areas are supported by the wide range of clubs they attend.