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Building confidence

Having fun

Encouraging growth mindsets

Sparking curiosity

Teaching & learning for the 21st century

Aims and Values Statement

It is our duty to ensure your child fulfils their academic potential, which we will do, but we believe it is our role to bring out the very best in our children.

We want to prepare them for the world beyond West Lodge where the ability to lead a happy life is as important as being a high achiever academically. We want our children to have fun learning whilst developing a lifelong love of education.

It is our belief that everyone has the right to be happy so it is a priority for us as a school. School should be fun. Everything comes down to this core belief.

Academically it is our mission to inspire your child to explore and to use their imagination, to ask questions and to draw their own conclusions. Central to this ethos is having the confidence to take risks and never be afraid of making mistakes.

Aims and Values

  • To encourage each child to regard themselves as valued and successful, thereby developing and maintaining high self-esteem.
  • To promote a ‘growth mindset’ so that our children see a challenging task as an opportunity to test themselves, to learn and grow from the experience.
  • To develop links with home so that parents and school can work in partnership for the benefit of the child.
  • To foster each child’s moral and religious awareness to nurture co-operation, tolerance, empathy and respect for themselves and others.
  • To encourage independence so that each child can take responsibility for their own learning.
  • To display and promote good behaviour at all times in order that each child can accept responsibility for their own actions.
  • To structure a wide range of learning experiences which offer equal opportunities for each child to experience success.

West Lodge is a school with Christian roots and a community where all faiths are recognised and celebrated.  Pupils are encouraged, through the Religious Education curriculum, to understand the relevance of RE in today’s modern world and know about and understand a wide range of religions and world views.