Special Educational Needs
West Lodge is a non-selective school which provides equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum, ensuring opportunities for every child to achieve and succeed to their full potential. We recognise that all children learn at different rates and in different ways and our skilled teachers use a wide range of learning styles, to enable children to develop into independent learners who have a positive self-image and progress through purposeful learning experiences.
We refer to the term “Special Educational Needs” if a child:
- Requires additional or different support beyond what is normally delivered in the classroom to their peers
- Has a disability which prevents or hinders them from accessing education, facilities or services normally provided by the school.
At West Lodge no child will be discriminated against because of disability or learning difficulty. We makes reasonable adjustments which ensure access for children with SEND to all aspects of school life.
SEND support is governed by The SEN and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 years (2014) and the West Lodge SEND policy reflects that guidance. Our policy can found on the website and sets out in full our SEND offer.
We recognise the importance of the National Award for Special Educational Needs Accreditation and our SENDCo, Mrs Debra Knights, has achieved this.
The SENDCo manages SEND provision across school on a day to day basis but provision for children with special educational needs is a matter for the whole school. All teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs.