School Journey: Paris 2024

Before half term, Year 5 & 6 pupils travelled to France for a week. It provided the children with the opportunity to immerse themselves in French culture and use their French language skills to navigate around towns and cities and (most importantly!) to order ice cream.
Here they tell the story of the week in their own words:
Visiting Paris
As well as visiting the Eiffel Tower, the children visited a number of other iconic locations in Paris including the Arc de Triomphe and Louvre and enjoyed a boat trip on the Seine.
The best part of the week for me was climbing the Eiffel Tower because it looked interesting when we looked down from it.
At the bottom, the Eiffel Tower looked way bigger than we had imagined, and we were nervous to start climbing. On the way up we got extremely tired as when we thought we were at the top we were only at the first floor.......On the second floor the view was extraordinary! We found a shady area and sat down to have lunch.....The way down was much easier!
My favourite thing was climbing 674 stairs up the Eiffel Tower. Parc Asterix, swimming in the pool and not forgetting the baguettes!
Visiting a French town
The town trip was very educational as we learnt new words in French, looked at ruins, named different types of cheese, looked at French markets and took lots of photos.
Making crêpes
In the evening on Wednesday we made crêpes...first we put flour in the bowl, then added eggs and milk and mixed...under adult supervision we ladled the mixture onto a mini stove. When our crêpes were cooked and ready to eat we had the option to put on jam or sugar.
1916 Somme Museum
I enjoyed the Somme Museum....and learning about the difference between the German and the British reasons ...and how hard it would have been to live in a trench.
Parc Asterix
The best thing about France was Parc Asterix because I went on my first rollercoaster that loops.
I am most proud of going on Zeus because the drop was huge!
I am most proud of riding the Gouderix which had SIX loop the loops!
Other recollections
On the ferry it was very windy and everyone decided to stay inside. One of the children's hats flew off!
The dinners were really nice.
On the last night people tried snails, some people liked them and others not!
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