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Mrs Knights, SENDCo

What do you think is special about the West Lodge community?

West Lodge is a warm, friendly, caring and inclusive community of adults and children. There is a sense of family as soon as you walk through the door; everyone supporting each other to be the best they can be each day.

Describe a typical day for you at West Lodge.

I usually start my school day discussing with colleagues how children are progressing and planning how we can best support them. I then spend most of my day with children either on a 1:1 or small group basis, working on their individual targets. My day always contains meetings with parents and other professionals and ends with further reflection time with colleagues. My days are always full, interesting and varied.

What is the most rewarding part of your role?

The most rewarding part of my role is observing when a child has overcome a hurdle, made a step forward or realised their own aspiration, knowing I have had a hand in getting them there.