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Mrs Collins, Assistant Head Teacher and Year 2 Teacher

What is a typical day in Early Years (Nursery- Year 2)?

One of the best things about teaching in the younger years is that no two days are ever the same! In EYFS, staff have the luxury of being able go with the pupils' interests and next steps, meaning that learning can often take place in the most unexpected of ways! Early Years children spend a lot of time in our outdoor learning area, which is frequently updated to reflect different topics and learning needs. In the classrooms, pupils enjoy learning in the different classroom areas, and benefit from daily discrete phonics lessons, as well as focused English and Maths teaching.

How does the focus change in Years 1 and 2?

In Key Stage One (Years 1 and 2), the focus shifts to a more formal way of working. However, more formal is in no way any less fun! We interweave our topics into core and foundation subjects, using high quality texts as stimuli. The children enjoy a wide variety of topics throughout their time in Key Stage One, and by integrating them into many different curriculum subjects, the children are able to become fully immersed in the learning.

How do you measure pupils' success in EYFS and KS1?

In the EYFS all pupils have their own, personalised learning journeys called Evidence Me. These are an essential part of celebrating the 'whole child', as we all know many successes and achievements take place beyond school. Parents are actively encouraged to contribute to these learning journeys. Across the school, children are celebrated in their many extra-curricular activities, such as swimming or sports success, as well as those which take place in school. Ultimately, if a child leaves West Lodge a kind, confident and compassionate young person, then that is a true measure of success.

What is your favourite West Lodge moment so far?

My favourite West Lodge moment has to be when we celebrated the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The whole school came together to 'dance through the decades' in assembly, before enjoying an afternoon tea-style lunch on the playground. The children and staff dressed up and had made crowns and flags. It was a great example of the family ethos that makes West Lodge so unique.

Why do you think West Lodge is a special place?

For me, the most special thing about West Lodge is how, when you walk through the doors, you feel as though you are stepping into a family. West Lodge is a community where everybody knows and supports each other, and the pupils, staff and families make it a truly special place to be.