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Mrs Bartholomew, Head of Maths and Year 5 Teacher

How does West Lodge prepare pupils for 11+ and secondary school entrance exams?

West Lodge is committed to preparing children for a range of exams in Year 6, including the Bexley and Kent selection tests as well as well as independent school entrance tests. We run weekly coaching sessions for Year 5 students, focusing on teaching and consolidating key exam topics, as well as a Study Week in the summer holidays in order to sit practice papers in exam style conditions.

Staff work alongside pupils and parents to provide guidance and support preceding and throughout the selection process.

What support is provided to parents whilst they are selecting secondary schools for their children?

We provide an open dialogue with parents in order to support secondary school selection.

We meet with parents for a Secondary Transfer Meeting in which we provide a progress report for their child as well as discuss secondary school options from both the parents' and the school's perspective.

What is your favourite part of your role?

I enjoy being the subject leader for Maths. I enjoy organising a variety of workshops, Maths Days and termly Maths challenges for the children.

What has been your favourite West Lodge moment to date?

My favourite moment at West Lodge has been taking part in a range of extra curricular activities to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.