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Building confidence

Having fun

Encouraging growth mindsets

Sparking curiosity

Teaching & learning for the 21st century

Year 5 Pupil.

What have you enjoyed most about your time at West Lodge so far?

When we went to France. We had time to explore France and then could enjoy swimming in the evening with our friends.  Lunches were really nice and I would really recommend the School Journey.

What is your favourite subject?

I love doing PE and also creative writing because you can play with your imagination.  I personally love writing rhyming poems; you can make them rhyme and make them interesting. In PE we do all sorts of different sports including cricket, gymnastics and tennis and we even go swimming as a whole class.

What three words would you use to describe West Lodge?

Family, teamwork, proud.

Which learning powers do you use most?

Concentration because I like to focus on the work I am doing.